Open Thread
Hey APW, Time is flying, and somehow we’re in the eighth month of 2021. How is that possible when I’m pretty sure we just celebrated the start of 2020?
Well. Hi. Here we are.I’d ask you how the Delta Variant is impacting your wedding planning, but I think we all know. It sucks. But it’
You know the feeling. The one where you excitedly agree to be in a bridal party and then as wedding events go on, you go “Oh shit.
Hey APW, It’s that time, so let’s check in.Oh, me? I got MARRIED! That’s right, I graduated from the wedding planning class of 2020-2021.
Welp, here I am APW. It’s the week of my wedding.I’m not stressed? Who’s stressed? Haha. But seriously, I am a tiny bit stressed but
Hey APW,The time has come. We’ve made the choice this month, just a short (😂) 15 months after the pandemic really kicked in here in the states
Hey friends, Buckle up, because this is about to get real (like, really real). Let’s talk about some wedding planning drama and stress.
Hey APW, Yup… you read that right. Twelve months. One whole year of this open thread space for us to gather and lament and discuss and cry and seek help.
Can you believe it’s been a whole year since ‘Rona flipped our worlds upside down? Whew. Now that the light at the end of the tunnel is looking
Friends, it’s March 2020 2021. I mean, 2020 didn’t count, right? How are we here? A whole year since we first started hitting pause on life