Month: April 2019
Q:DEAR AMY, Hoping you can help me with an awkward guest situation. We sent out save the dates last fall and invitations in December. Both the save the
This is a paid post from an APW sponsor. For more about APW and how we make money, please click here. Before I got married, I was the world’s latest RSVP-er.
I discovered it by accident. He had left his email open. I opened a folder marked “jokes” thinking I could use a laugh. Instead, I found an email to another woman.
Jasmyn, Support Coordination & Shakyla, student sum-up of the wedding vibe: Full of love. There was constantly a loving vibe going on.
Q: Dear APW, My friend is getting married and I’m so excited to be in her bridal party. I was completely floored when she asked me to be maid of honor
Back in elementary school, I had two teachers in a row go through major adulthood milestones while I was their student. One teacher got engaged, and the
Q: Dear Jareesa, My fiancx and I are trying to decide whether to accept his parents’ offer of money. He and I set ourselves a budget for this wedding
This is a paid post from an APW sponsor. For more about APW and how we make money, please click here. Did I ever tell you guys about the time I got so
I have a complicated history with money. I want to say, “Who doesn’t?” But I can give you the answer to that: my husband. He grew up with two professional
Bridal shower favors are about as necessary as flower crowns at your office coffee hour. In short, nobody expects them, but if you have them, invite me.