Q: Dear APW, After quietly suffering through four years at a monotonous job in the mortgage industry, I finally paid off my student loans (yay, party time!
Q: Dear Amy, I have a childhood friend who I’ve only seen twice (and texted a handful of times) in the last decade. I got engaged this spring, and a week
This week we’re saying farewell to our Chief Revenue Officer Maddie Eisenhart as she embarks on new adventures by featuring our favorite posts of hers
Q: Dear APW, When we were discussing our guest list, we said no kids to minimize the number since we are paying for it (mostly) ourselves.
Let’s talk about bridal shower games. In theory, they’re fun. You’re drinking mimosas, celebrating love, and you probably have an excuse to wear some super-extra
Yesterday was the anniversary of my dad’s death. But it’s not just that. Two weeks after his death, the APW offices were robbed (two nights in a row)
Q: Dear APW, My spouse and I got married last August, and it was lovely. We had a really friendly photographer who we were especially excited to support
Q: Dear APW, My fiancx proposed to me in private while we were on a vacation with his family. We met in 1998 and have been dating for 20 years.
The only thing better than having an advice columnist is having two advice columnists… who disagree. When we got this question, we knew that we wanted
Q: Dear APW, My future MIL is, to put it politely, a piece of work. Frankly, she is emotionally immature, narcissistic, and hyper-critical of her children.