Are Your Joint Finances As Feminist As You Think? | A Practical WeddingCareer
Are Your Joint Finances As Feminist As You Think? | A Practical Wedding
A few months ago, I was standing in line at a sample sale for my favorite clogs, trying to keep an eye on my two year old while chatting with the woman
How I Finally Figured Out Household Management | A Practical WeddingCareer
How I Finally Figured Out Household Management | A Practical Wedding
I’ve always wanted to be one of those women who kept her household in order. One of the ones who casually say, “Oh, I run a tight ship,” like household
How To Survive Changing Your Whole Life | A Practical WeddingLife
How To Survive Changing Your Whole Life | A Practical Wedding
Our last day living in Kenya, after sixteen years of living in Africa, my colleagues threw a going-away party for me. We had sold our cars, and my husband
Why Talking about Money Is Actually Super Romantic | A Practical WeddingLife
Why Talking about Money Is Actually Super Romantic | A Practical Wedding
I am a hopeless romantic. No one can say for sure if it was society, or genetics, or Barbie, or Shakespeare that made me this way, but I have always been
The Day I Almost Ran Away from My Marriage | A Practical WeddingLove & Marriage
The Day I Almost Ran Away from My Marriage | A Practical Wedding
Every time I pull into our driveway in the DC ’burbs, Google Maps announces: “You Have Arrived!” And damn, if truer words have never been spoken.
Women, Why Do We Put So Much Pressure on Ourselves? | A Practical WeddingLife
Women, Why Do We Put So Much Pressure on Ourselves? | A Practical Wedding
As you all know (hello, look around you), over the holidays, we relaunched APW. That is, we migrated ten years of historical data, rebuilt pages, checked
Why Getting Engaged to a “Nice Guy” Was a Huge Mistake | A Practical WeddingMarriage
Why Getting Engaged to a “Nice Guy” Was a Huge Mistake | A Practical Wedding
No matter what your friends may claim, most people entertain some kind of romantic fantasy. Some are harmless. Other fantasies work like a slow-growing disease.
How Were Your Holidays? | A Practical WeddingHolidays
How Were Your Holidays? | A Practical Wedding
In the nine holiday seasons that I’ve been writing APW, I’ve been working on figuring out our family holidays. (Given that it’s been almost a decade and
What If You're Not Married to a Feminist Man? | A Practical WeddingFeminism
What If You’re Not Married to a Feminist Man? | A Practical Wedding
Recently, a reader wrote in with a question that felt really compelling: In this #MeToo moment, what do you do if you’re married to a man that doesn’t
Is My Boyfriend Cheap, or Is He Controlling Me with Money? | A Practical WeddingAdvice
Is My Boyfriend Cheap, or Is He Controlling Me with Money? | A Practical Wedding
Q: My boyfriend of two years and I have been talking of marriage, kids, life, etc. He’s amazing, and we always have fun together. There’s just one little