How I Finally Nailed The Art Of Cooking For Two | A Practical WeddingBrand Partnerships
How I Finally Nailed The Art Of Cooking For Two | A Practical Wedding
This is a paid post from an APW sponsor. For more about APW and how we make money, please click here. Every couple has the big-small thing in their relationship
Happy 10 Years, APW! | A Practical WeddingCareer
Happy 10 Years, APW! | A Practical Wedding
Ten years ago, I was three weeks into being engaged, many years into reading blogs, and many months into reading this brand-new Internet thing called a wedding blog.
Prenups and Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Them | A Practical WeddingDivorce
Prenups and Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Them | A Practical Wedding
First, I’m happy you are in love (hooray for love!). Even though I have spent the last thirteen years working as a divorce attorney, I believe wholeheartedly
6 Things That 42 Years of Marriage Have Taught Me | A Practical WeddingLife
6 Things That 42 Years of Marriage Have Taught Me | A Practical Wedding
Deciding to marry is a giant leap of faith in many ways. When I was young, committing to live my days with another seemed a stretch of the imagination.
My First Wedding Dress Haunted Me For Years | A Practical WeddingLife
My First Wedding Dress Haunted Me For Years | A Practical Wedding
Four days into 2018 and four years into a whole new life, I bought a wedding dress. I even had a ‘the one’ moment, which I was sure was impossible.
I’m Getting Married Even Though I Haven’t Reached My Goals | A Practical Wedding
I was supposed to be a success. I was supposed to be the girl who made it big and made everyone proud. I was talented, driven, creative.
The Real Milestones Of Growing Old Together | A Practical WeddingAdvice
The Real Milestones Of Growing Old Together | A Practical Wedding
The early days of romance and marriage are so beautiful, exciting, and shareable. You float from high to high, tumble from event to event.
How I Finally Figured Out Household Management | A Practical WeddingCareer
How I Finally Figured Out Household Management | A Practical Wedding
I’ve always wanted to be one of those women who kept her household in order. One of the ones who casually say, “Oh, I run a tight ship,” like household
How To Survive Changing Your Whole Life | A Practical WeddingLife
How To Survive Changing Your Whole Life | A Practical Wedding
Our last day living in Kenya, after sixteen years of living in Africa, my colleagues threw a going-away party for me. We had sold our cars, and my husband
Why Talking about Money Is Actually Super Romantic | A Practical WeddingLife
Why Talking about Money Is Actually Super Romantic | A Practical Wedding
I am a hopeless romantic. No one can say for sure if it was society, or genetics, or Barbie, or Shakespeare that made me this way, but I have always been