As you all know (hello, look around you), over the holidays, we relaunched APW. That is, we migrated ten years of historical data, rebuilt pages, checked
At thirty-one, I live alone for the first time in my life. Sure, there were a few single dorm rooms during college, but I mean alone, alone.
You know, when you marry your high school sweetheart at the ripe age of twenty-three, you get used to hearing all the common tropes about the trappings
It’s now November, which means the holidays are fast approaching. As in you’d better start getting your holiday shopping lists together.
Growing up, my parents used to joke that as a liberal Baptist and a somewhat High Church Episcopalian, they were about as interfaith as a marriage could handle.
Growing up, the holidays were always a schlep from house to house for my family. Both sides of my family live in or near the Bay Area, which is generally
A few weekends ago, my husband and I made a big list on a piece of poster board to #GetOurShitTogether. It has projects around the house we want to get