How Much Do You Have In Common With Your Partner? | A Practical WeddingLife
How Much Do You Have In Common With Your Partner? | A Practical Wedding
A couple of years ago, I had a small but not insignificant crisis of confidence about my marriage. It’s not that anything was wrong exactly.
How We've Managed To Keep Joy In Our Marriage With So Much Tragedy | A Practical WeddingLife
How We’ve Managed To Keep Joy In Our Marriage With So Much Tragedy | A Practical Wedding
I recently started seeing a therapist. Actually, two, with marriage counseling… or three, if you count attending therapy with my kid. During this process
So... Meg's Planning A Vow Renewal | A Practical WeddingLife
So… Meg’s Planning A Vow Renewal | A Practical Wedding
I started APW because I love weddings. I’ve always loved weddings. Ten years after my own, I still love them. (Which is a good thing, because this would
What Happened When My Fiancx Had An Emotional Affair | A Practical WeddingLife
What Happened When My Fiancx Had An Emotional Affair | A Practical Wedding
I discovered it by accident. He had left his email open. I opened a folder marked “jokes” thinking I could use a laugh. Instead, I found an email to another woman.
The Myth of Adulthood | A Practical WeddingLife
The Myth of Adulthood | A Practical Wedding
Back in elementary school, I had two teachers in a row go through major adulthood milestones while I was their student. One teacher got engaged, and the
What Does Division of Labor Look Like In Your Household? | A Practical WeddingLife
What Does Division of Labor Look Like In Your Household? | A Practical Wedding
This year, my son turned six, and I had a crisis of motherhood. Which is weird, because I thought that sort of self-questioning was supposed to be reserved
How To Survive Wedding Planning When You’re A People Pleaser | A Practical Wedding
I used to say that if I could find a job making people happy for a living, I would take it. You can blame it on growing up the oldest child of multiple
What Happens To Your Religious Marriage When You Lose Your Faith? | A Practical WeddingLife
What Happens To Your Religious Marriage When You Lose Your Faith? | A Practical Wedding
When I married I believed marriage was a covenant. Not just a contract, but a holy contract between God and us, the couple. It was a commitment to be faithful
When Doctors Don't Take You Seriously Because You're A Woman | A Practical WeddingAdvice
When Doctors Don’t Take You Seriously Because You’re A Woman | A Practical Wedding
I’m nineteen years old. I’ve just finished my freshman year of college, I’m sitting in the office of the top rheumatologist in the state, and I’m terrified.
When Politics Break Up Family Relationships | A Practical WeddingLife
When Politics Break Up Family Relationships | A Practical Wedding
For most of my life, I have believed that getting married means making a new family with the person you love. It means setting aside differences and working